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Scheduling & Promotions

Link for Mobile Users

No promo slots available? You can schedule a regular inspection using the form below!

Types of Inspections

  • COMPLETE - full inspection of all visible and accessible areas (main structure only; detached structures must be requested

  • LIMITED - inspection limited to a specific area defined by the client

  • ID ONLY - same as LIMITED, but with the scope further limited to identifying termite infestation only

  • INTERIOR ONLY - same as LIMITED, but with scope limited to the interior of a condo/townhouse/apartment unit (for real estate transactions only)

  • COMPETITIVE BID - provide us a copy of another company's termite report and we will perform an inspection and generate a report of our own with competitive pricing

    • Can be COMPLETE or LIMITED (used to bid against specific item(s) on another report)

    • $150 inspection fee for competitive bids is credited back if we perform work from our report​

  • GENERAL CONTRACTING - bid limited to bidding remodel and/or repair work; NOT a termite report, cannot be used for real estate transactions or any treatments

Inspection pricing is based on size, inspection type, and foundation type.

See the fee schedule below for our standard pricing.

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